In May 2007 we invested in Lykkegaard well aware that we had to put a lot of effort into the renovation of the buildings and surroundings.
Throughout 2007 we have continually renivated one of the stables, the rider room and not least our outdoor riding ground, which is one of the best in the country rergards suspension and drainage.
Additionally, we have built a step machine directly connected to the stable.
In 2008, the riding house was elongated to 20-60 meters. The final result is a well-insulated riding house, with a ground like on the outdoor riding ground., and the paddocks were rearranged and sorrounded by a bridle path.
Lykkegaard is an eguestrain centre in rapid development - now, with our own riding club, Lykkegaard Sportsrideklub (LYK), approved by Danish Eguestrain Federation, DRF.
We offer top professional preparing for horse championships. gradings etc. Sperm from the stallion LUGANER DVH 839
Rikke - Tlf +45 2447 4352
Jesper - Tlf +45 2829 9521